Live Stream Quality Assurance Video
At RHM International, we are acutely aware of the impacts Covid-19 and its mutations have had, and are continuing to have, all around the world. The awareness of infection spreading during in-person visits in an enclosed environment, together with restrictions and quarantine requirements during international travel, have impacted us directly. Our approach to quality assurance visitations to observe product testing at our high voltage testing facility in Hudson, NH has adapted to these needs.
HD Video Feeds at High Voltage Testing Facility
To comply with social distancing and international travel regulations, we have installed and established high-definition live stream video and audio feeds. Two HD cameras allow a detailed view of our laboratory’s control room and test bay.
A Bluetooth speaker and microphone provide clear audio communications. For our software driven test equipment, screen sharing allows our customers to see exactly what we see on screen at the same time the tests are being performed.
The cameras are portable and are connected to laptops, allowing us to provide customers with a view of their product and test circuits from different angles. We can also broadcast from the high current equipment area when performing tests specific to our current transformers.
We can converse with our customers in real time to review test plans, circuit connections, power application, and evaluate test results.
When working in close proximity at our facility, our engineers and staff wear face masks, social distance whenever possible, and take other appropriate measures to prevent the spread of disease during this pandemic.
Live video tours of our high voltage test laboratory may be scheduled by contacting us.