In early 2020 RHM International signed a long term supply agreement with a major North American utility for the design, manufacturing and delivery of dry type HV current transformers for the utility’s 72.5 kV, 145 kV, 170 kV, 245 kV and 330 kV power grid requirements. The supply agreement included an extensive homologation testing program […]
RHM International is Named a Top Transmission & Distribution Solution Provider
The June edition of Utilities Tech Outlook magazine released its annual Top 10 list of the best solution providers for the industry. Like 2019, RHM International made the list and was recognized as a true innovator and solution provider for power utilities; at the forefront of achievements, RHM’s unique capability and experience to provide like-for-like […]
Maintaining The Old While Building The Future Digital Network – The Challenge For Manufacturers And Electric Utilities In The 21st Century
Over the past number of years power grids around the world have been facing a two-headed challenge: maintaining the old and building the new. This is putting additional pressure on manufacturers to provide the right digital technologies and utilities to maintain a work force with the right technical skills to meet this challenge. Maintaining the […]
First 600 kV AC Dry Type Current Transformers Put Into Service in North America
600 kV Dry Type Transformers Energized in the MMTP Transmission Project On June 1, 2020 the first ever 600 kV AC dry type current transformers installed in North America were energized and put into service in the Province of Manitoba, Canada. Manitoba Hydro, the publicly-owned electric and natural gas utility for the Province of Manitoba […]
Live Stream Video Witnessing of RHM International Product Testing
Live Stream Quality Assurance Video At RHM International, we are acutely aware of the impacts Covid-19 and its mutations have had, and are continuing to have, all around the world. The awareness of infection spreading during in-person visits in an enclosed environment, together with restrictions and quarantine requirements during international travel, have impacted us directly. […]
RHM 2019 INMR Conference Booth Highlighted RIF Bushing and RIF Cable Termination Technologies
RHM International recently attended the 2019 INMR World Congress Exhibition and Conference in Tucson Arizona October 20th -23rd, participating as an exhibitor and presenting a paper titled “Dry Type (Non-Oil) Paperless Bushings (RIS and RIF®) for T&D Power Systems”. The exhibition and conference attracted a large audience with 60 exhibitors and 500+ registered delegates from […]
Does Your Equipment Supplier Have a Good Transportation and Logistics Planning System?
There is nothing more frustrating for a customer than to have a piece of equipment leave the factory on time and then experience delivery delays and/or shipping damage. In many cases this is due to an inadequate transportation and logistics planning system that operates in a vacuum and only reacts when the equipment fails to […]
Seismic Qualification of 230 kV RIF® Transformer Bushings
When qualifying a transformer bushing for its seismic performance there are two industry standards that can be used; IEEE 693-2005 Annex D and IEC TS 61463. IEEE 693-2005 is the recognized industry standard worldwide and is generally the one selected to qualify equipment. When comparing the two standards (IEEE vs IEC Comparison Table) it can […]
Feature RIF® Dry type, paperless (Resin Impregnated Fibreglass) RIP Dry type, paper (Resin Impregnated Paper) OIP Oil-filled. paper (Oil impregnated paper) Maintenance Maintenance-free Tan δ and C1 need to be checked regularly. Tan δ and C1 need to be checked regularly. DGA testing of the bushing oil should be done on older bushings. Leak mitigation. […]
Internal Arc Fault Test of a RIF® Bushing
In 2018 an internal arcing fault withstand test was conducted on a 245 kV 630 A RIF® bushing. Although the industry standards for bushings currently do not specify such a test requirement RHM International decided to conduct the test in order to validate the explosion-resistant capability of its RIF® bushings. The following test parameters were […]